How We Helped with Resource Management
At times, workload can overtake everything. In today's fast paced working environments, there are very often times when there just are not enough hours in the day.
We were contacted by an HR Manager from a private sector company who asked for help. She needed assistance to relieve the workload of some of her team members that she needed to task with other internal duties.
Coming out of the Haze
We suggested the best way to complete the job in the speediest time frame. We decided that we would work remotely and 'check in' to update on progress on a twice weekly basis.
We completed the assignment speedily and have now been retained by the firm to complete short assignments around diversity, during their busy periods.
We are currently arranging the delivery of diversity consultancy to their Board members on the best ways to increase diversity within the business.
Does your business need help to better manage your resources during busy periods?
If you would like to discuss any outsourcing arrangements, please contact us without delay.
Kenroi Consulting® is here to help.