Inclusive Leadership
Inclusive leadership is a major driving force behind competent and confident organisations. Inclusive leaders value the differences and commonalities between individuals and work teams.
They are able to add value to an organisation by ensuring that individuals, teams, projects and processes account for diversity and inclusive procedures.
VIDEO: Inclusive Leadership is about processes and behaviours that bring about culture change.
Our diversity consulting solutions help leaders to engage with others in a way that supports the development of highly effective and engaged teams.
We assist leaders to develop teams that plan collaboratively, whilst valuing and incorporating the benefits of difference and culture, to enhance results.
Developing an inclusive leadership team is the first step to truly delivering diversity and inclusion.
Carmen Morris -Director
Managing group think is the start of a business commitment to inclusive leadership. Kenroi Consulting supports leaders to foster inclusion by promoting diversity of thought across the leadership agenda, helping to build inclusion into the decision making process.
Developing Inclusive Leadership
Our solutions empower leaders with inclusive skills to recognise and enable team members through a well developed understanding of diversity and inclusion. We will undertake a PESTLE analysis of your business, looking at the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental aspects that affect the effective delivery of inclusion.
Our Certified MTBI and SDI practitioners help to develop confident and capable leaders, who can champion diversity and inclusion.
We train leaders to understand actual and literal language and behaviours that impact the effective delivery of diversity and inclusion, supporting the development of cultural competency across the business.
This will help leaders to understand the way individual behaviours affect leadership management styles, and indicate your ability to embrace and embed diversity and inclusion.
Diversity and Inclusion is an important element of talent management strategy.
Leadership Accountability for Diversity
Leadership accountability for diversity is key to developing and delivering a sustainable, well defined diversity strategy.
Recent reports suggest that leadership is failing at diversity and inclusion.
We enable leadership to master the attributes necessary to build engaged, inclusive teams. We offer a range of solutions to support inclusive leadership:
Diversity and inclusion coaching to harness individual skills and understanding.
Training and seminars to build diversity into process and project management.
Consultancy to embed diversity and inclusion into workforce planning projects and initiatives to support enhanced talent management, recruitment and progression processes.
Support to be accountable for organisational culture development or change. To learn more about help to reframing organisational culture to build inclusion, read our blog post.
Empowering Your Leadership Teams
A big part of gaining traction in diversity and inclusion is to support leaders to engage better with the subject. By empowering leadership with the most effective knowledge and skills, the benefits of D&I are more easily embedded into your business.
Kenroi Consulting can support your business to excel in this area with a range of leadership programmes.
For more information on our services in this area, or to receive our support, please contact us.